Sport Pilot Trainings and Schools

The Joy of Piloting

Want a thrill? In fact sometimes it’s worth to look for it not on Earth, but a little higher. You can be one of the few who felt and feel about overload and weightlessness of aerobatics and sport piloting. Relatively small amount of people in the world have such opportunity. And those who have already become “one of the few” – from the comfort of the cockpit – are yelling every time: “It is incredible!!!”

Some people are just born with this intolerable attraction to the skies. And even others cannot deny that excursions and scenic flights on a small plane over the picturesque surroundings and lands is an experience that one never forgets and yearns to repeat. From the cockpit, flying on a height of 200-300 meters, you can admire the stunning views of terrestrial expanses, and feel yourself like a bird. The number of people who wants to learn how to pilot a private tiny plane is increasing with every year.

That is why flying and sport pilot schools enjoy constant popularity and high demand nowadays. You will be welcome in such school, if you have true affection for the skies and flying, and also have a competitive spirit.

What is It Like to Learn to be a Sports Pilot?

A typical flying school in US has this program of pilot training:

  • Familiarization flights;
  • Scenic and pleasure flights;
  • Initial flight training;
  • Preparation of pilots for sports programs;
  • Flight training program;
  • Competition in a sport airplane.

Sport Pilot School Experienced pilots instructor will demonstrate their flying skills in airplane jets, an A-29. You can see a spectacular show of single and group flights from performing aerobatic maneuvers and flight operations at extremely low altitudes. Challenge yourself and get a lot of unforgettable experiences and positive emotions when making flight and performing aerobatics.

In any case, the flight of a sport or a training jet, will forever remain in memory, and yet no one is left disappointed. As usual, the minimum flight time is 15 minutes. Preparation time – 30 minutes

After a few flights with instructor, you will not be just a passenger but the pilot! You’ll be able to fly a plane at various stages of flight. Level flight, turns, bends with a roll of 15 – 45°, reduction and climb, dive and slide, stage pieces, consisting of: spin, loop, coups, half-loops, drums and other figures. The aircraft will be obedient, and react only to you!

This is an extraordinary sense of power over the machine will not leave you and give you unforgettable impressions and pleasures of the height, speed and unusual “Earth” – “unearthly” beauty!

At most sport pilot schools initial flight training includes theoretical and flight training in the amount of 15 hours flying with an experienced instructor and ends with solo flight. Training athletes in sport-pilot program running on a simple, sophisticated, upper back and flying, flying systems consisting of a pair of executives and aircraft participated in the competition regulations for 3rd, 2nd, 1st sports categories, “Candidate Master of Sports “and” Master of sports on the airplane Sport.

After taking the course of flight training of 40 flying hours in the School Pilot Program “Pilot-lover,” you’ll be able to get a license “amateur pilot,” which gives the right to perform cross-country flights and flights in the airspace of US.

Numerous school introduce gift certificates, and you will be able to deliver the most unexpected gift a loved one or business partner. By selecting this gift, you can actually show a high level of attention to it and no doubt impress.

What Schools Can I Apply to Become a Sports Pilot?

So, you’ve made a brave decision and like to join the community of sport pilots? It will be the most exciting decision indeed. Here is the list of some good sport pilot schools, which can offer the perfect basis for training and becoming the winning pilot.

  1. US Aviation Academy. Invites all amateurs and beginners to join flying club. Classes from once to three times a week. Certificate issued.
  2. US Sport Flight Training. Located in Addison, Texas. A good park of jets and sport airplanes. No special restrictions for members.
  3. A Plus Aviation School. Experienced staff of instructors. Award-winning flying club. Certificates offered.
  4. Skyraider Aviation, Inc. Certificates of recreational pilot and sport pilot issued.

Featured Online Aviation Degree Programs

Everglades University

  • Bachelor's Degree in Aviation Management
  • Bachelor's Degree in Aviation Technology
  • Master's Degree in Aviation Science

Liberty University Online

  • Bachelor of Science in Aviation

Lewis University

  • MS in Aviation and Transportation

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