Avian Traffic Controllers

The main function of an air traffic controller is to ensure safe, regular and orderly movement of aircraft, helicopters and other aircraft (the BC). To successfully perform this function such specialist uses the knowledge of air navigation, aviation meteorology, as well as strict regulations or rules governing the detailed manner all aspects of its activities.

For example, to ensure safe aircraft in the air differences, the rules of vertical, lateral and longitudinal separation (dispersal of aircraft at safe distances in horizontal and vertical planes).

Main Objective of Air Traffic Controllers

Air Traffic ControlllersThe main objective of avian traffic controllers is monitoring of the air situation, and performing air traffic control within its area of ​​responsibility. To fulfill this task, a controller uses a radio means radio communication with the crews of aircraft, as well as telecommunications with related sectors and other experts. The workplace is equipped with an air traffic controller monitors the air situation display, meteorological conditions, various alarm displays, background information, communication, etc.

Control the movement of Sun from the date by leaving them parking at the airport before the flight departure to steering to parking lane after landing at the destination aerodrome.

Only after an individual has received positive marks at all training stages, he will be granted a license to control avian traffic. In U.S., the bigger part of the air traffic control staff across the country will reach retirement age over the current decade. Consequentially, the Federal Aviation Administration opens vacant positions for as many as 11,500 new young specialists (that will go through training course during 3–5 years in order to receive proper certification).

How to Become Avian Traffic Controller

Air Traffic ControllerThere are numerous routes on the way of becoming an avian traffic controller. There are currently 31 schools in U.S. which offer a college degree alongside avian training course. Corollary to the graduation, personnel gets job positions on a catalog that depicts hiring capability. The personnel is then selected from catalog and distributed among demanded positions. The maximum age for hire for this profession is 31.

Preceding skill or preparation in air traffic control is not necessary for application for training programs. Nevertheless, candidates are obliged to confirm at least three years of responsible work occurrence, have finished a complete 4-year course of learning thus having a bachelor’s degree, or present an adequate combination of college credits and work practice.

In mixing education and experience, 1 year of undergraduate study (45 quarter hours or 30 semester) is the same as 9 months of general experience. Certain kinds of air experience may be supplemented to stated requirements.

Schools Offering Learning Programs in Air Traffic Specialties:

1. Florida Institute of Technology

This institute specializes in air traffic disciplines. Experienced staff knows the subject inside out, and will show the very obscure aspects to the students. Practical lessons start almost simultaneously with theoretical course. There is air control simulating facility in the laboratory of institute, where disciples can practice and master their skills.

2. Lewis University

Lewis University is a recognized pioneer of teaching avian disciplines. Graduates of this university occupy top positions in air control facilities all over the world, and are respected for deep understanding and sense of things. University has grant programs for foreign students, as well as for devoted air enthusiasts (who have air experience).

3. Middle Tennessee State University

This university offers comprehensive course in air traffic control, including thorough learning of weak points of this practice, common mistakes and their causes, and the ways to prevent them. University has affiliation with a nearby airport, where students are offered to go through several months of internship.

4. Hampton University

A very good choice in terms of quality of education. This university has an exceptional 3D simulator of an airport operation, by means of which students can practice their professional skills. Chosen students will be promoted to real job positions after graduation.

Featured Online Aviation Degree Programs

Everglades University

  • Bachelor's Degree in Aviation Management
  • Bachelor's Degree in Aviation Technology
  • Master's Degree in Aviation Science

Liberty University Online

  • Bachelor of Science in Aviation

Lewis University

  • MS in Aviation and Transportation

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