Most Demanded Specialists in US Aviation

Modern aviation rests upon the shoulders of thousands of committed workers, who ensure the seamless operation of international air transportation. According to the dry facts, for one person to be able to take an airplane flight, roughly 30 aviation specialists should be involved both in air and on land. While passenger traffic is now established as an ever-growing value, correspondingly the demand for aviation personnel rises to “flying heights”. Let’ find out who are included in top 5 most demanded specialists in US aviation:

1. Flight personnel

Monthly salaries of pilots and navigators can prove that this is the leading demanded profession in aviation. Indeed, learning to become a pilot takes a lot of time, practice and dedication. Depending on aircraft type, employers can actually compete for the right of hiring such specialists. But demand for other flight crew members (on-board engineers, board mechanics, board operators) is also high enough. To enhance the material interests of flight personnel and increase productivity, they are commonly awarded by monthly bonuses.

2. Airport security specialists

The second position in top 5 most demanded specialists in US aviation list is held by services of airport security, which usually operate as structural units of airports, bear the entire responsibility for the quality of preventive security measures. Among such measures are: throughput and terminal control, inspection of aircraft, passengers, crew members, luggage, cargo, mail and on-board stocks, as well as protection of infrastructure. Particular attention is paid to prevent delivery by passengers on board of weapons, ammunition, explosive devices, explosives and other dangerous items and substances that can be used to capture the Sun, the commission of terrorist acts that threaten the lives and health of passengers and crew.

3. Operating personnel

A flight of an airplane itself is just a microscopic portion of measures and activities that need to be handled faultlessly in order for the flight to happen. That’s why the work of operating services is extremely appreciated, and corresponding specialists are in high demand at every airport. They serve in coordination and reception services, do paperwork and work with passenger claims. Basically, operating personnel is the face of aviation industry from the perspective of regular aviation customers.

4. Air traffic controllers

This work can be exhausting and requires outstanding stress-control, confidence, and thought speed. Average traffic controller coordinates the location of 10 or 20 and sometimes even more aircrafts at a time. This specialty is about absolute responsibility, since the least error can lead to plane crashes and people’s injuries/deaths. For this reason qualified traffic controllers are in extremely high demand. The profession is also adequately rewarded, since all aviation companies understand the importance of motivating these workers.

5. Maintenance staff

Despite of the fact that maintenance personnel is listed last in our rating of top 5 most demanded specialists in US aviation, the importance of their work cannot be stressed enough. Their duty is to maintain aircrafts in operational condition, foresee and prevent technical outages, make repairs efficiently and so on. Aviation companies understand that the high quality of maintenance work can ensure the minimization of delayed departures. That’s why well-trained maintenance staff enjoys great demand in airports.

Featured Online Aviation Degree Programs

Everglades University

  • Bachelor's Degree in Aviation Management
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