Degrees in Aviation Management and Administration

The demand for air travel is the thing, which is just growing more and more with the passing time. Businessmen, as the business is becoming global, already started flying back and forth in a matter of days or sometimes just hours, so air travels saves them their precious money and time. For an airlines organization to be a successful establishment it doesn’t only require good planes, but also qualified personnel.

With advanced technology and planes, they also need good management resources to make sure that everything is done with good quality:

Without any doubt, an aviation company cannot go further when deprived of a good managerial side.

Career in Aviation Industry

aviation management careerObviously, aviation industry is a rapidly exceeding field, which caters to millions of people per year, so the competition inside of the field is going more and more tough as the new techniques and technologies are springing into the industry. Large organizations wish for their employees to handle many different things at a same time and coping well under pressure and to be greatly skilled.

If you think that you have the characteristics to be a successful airliner (on board or on ground) then it’s your opportunity to get a job that you have always dreamt of and excel your career in the aviation industry.

Online Aviation Management Degree from highly accredited online colleges or top accredited online universities can offer a student formal training to perform on-duty tasks with efficiency and get into this field.

Various top accredited online universities and colleges, which offer Aviation Management Degree programs, have a percentage of job guaranteed jobs too, of course.

Bachelors in Aviation Management Degree

Future students can start pursuing their career by gaining Bachelors in Aviation Management Degree. Prerequisites for the Aviation Management Degree program are mostly to complete at least sixty credit hours at the level of an associate degree. An option to add an additional sixty credit hours to designated one hundred and twenty credit hours in the Bachelors degree of Aviation from any of the top accredited universities or colleges also exists.

Some of the courses, which are offered by the universities and colleges in an Aviation Management Degree programs, are:

  • General Aviation Marketing
  • Airline Management
  • International Trade and Regulations
  • Aviation Maintenance Management
  • Airport Administration and Finance
  • Management of the Multi-Cultural Work Force
  • Airport Planning and Design Standards
  • Aviation Labor Relations
  • Economics of Air Transportation
  • Aviation Insurance
  • International Aviation Management
  • Airline/Airport Marketing
  • Transportation Principles
  • Marketing Management
  • Management of Air Cargo
  • Airport Management
  • Public Administration
  • Project Management in Aviation Operations
  • Small Business Management

A career in aviation field encompasses the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of designations such as:

  • Aviation program managers
  • Aircraft cargo handling supervisors
  • Pilots
  • Aircraft maintenance managers
  • Airfield operations specialists
  • Flight dispatchers
  • Aviation operations managers

The coursework of aviation management degrees mainly focuses on the areas of Financial Management, General Airport Management and Fixed Based Operation Management.

Credibility of the Online Aviation Management Degree

Undoubtedly, the employment prospects and the credibility of the online management degree depend mostly upon the institution from where it is obtained.

Actually, the academic eligibility, which is required to complete an Aviation Management degree, is to have completed first sixty credit hours of an associate degree. Singapore Aviation Academy, furthermore, is the first institution, which offers Bachelor degree in Aviation via distance education. It’s one of the best options for working executives to complete an online aviation management degree while they are being engaged in the professional service. Majority of the accredited online management and business institutes offers Degree, Diploma and related courses.

The impact of the rise in the logistics and the aviation industries is very likely to create more employment opportunities for experienced, qualified and well-trained managers.

Featured Online Aviation Degree Programs

Everglades University

  • Bachelor's Degree in Aviation Management
  • Bachelor's Degree in Aviation Technology
  • Master's Degree in Aviation Science

Liberty University Online

  • Bachelor of Science in Aviation

Lewis University

  • MS in Aviation and Transportation

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